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Raclette burger.

Here comes another, a dish based on low carbon . Krbohydrater are low. The court gives 3.85 gr kbh per serving.


  2 . person.

1) 250 gr ground beef .

2) 1 egg .

3) 2 slices raclette cheese - 70 gr.

4 ) 20 gr carrot , grated .

5 ) 40 gr yellow peppers .

6) 1/2 red onion .

7) 65 gr organic salad - 1 bag .

8) 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard .

9) 4 tablespoons olive oil .

10 ) 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

11) 35 gr cauliflower , grated .

12) Salt and pepper .  


Mix ground beef with grated carrot , cauliflower, salt pepper and egg . Divided into two equal parts . Burgers fried on both sides. Raclette cheese on top of the burger . Place in the oven at 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes . The salad mix with dressing made ​​of mustard , salt, pepper , lemon juice and oil . Tomatoes, peppers and red onion used as garnish the salad. Juicy and well .



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